Friday, October 3, 2008

MISSION: statement


Because Ryan Only Has Anthropological Means

(for the laymen, and me lol, I just want to fix society!)

Break the mold.
We are all individuals, though we must conform to an extent.
Be proud of yourself, but not too proud.

Share your ideals.
Do not let anyone judge, and do not judge others.
Instead, be open-minded. Push yourself to do so. Push!

Believe in yourself and others before you believe in the unseen. That believing only comes with self belief. Find yourself and be honest with what you find. This is a prerequisite for searching for deeper meaning. It will come, it will.

Discipline is key.

Meditation is optional, but highly recommended. Keep in mind sleep. It is the best form of meditation. But venture out towards further relief.

Together we can do this. Focus on these steps for now. I will not move on until we all are ready. Focus. Discipline. Quiet time. Think, not too critically, just reflect. DISCIPLINE. Keep at it. In time it will come.

We walk the walk accordingly but seldom, if ever, take time to reflect. Do so. Let the mind relax. It is the hardest working organ and needs rest. Let it do so....